viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Santa Play Doh Papá Noel Play Dough Santa Claus Playdoh Toys Review

While you are waiting for Santa, why not making some christmas crafts with play doh at home? It's easy and simply and the most important, parents and children will share a fantastic moment together! :)

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And let's discover more surprises together!

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"Kinder Surprise" is also known as Kinder Sorpresa, Kinder Joy, Kinder Überraschung, Kinder Ovo, Киндер Сюрприз, Kinderegg, Kinderüberraschung, Verrassingsei, Kinderschokolade, Kinderueberraschung, Kinderoverraskelse, Kinder Niespodzianka, Kinder-yllätys, Kinderägg, Kinder Meglepetés, Kinder Surpresa, & キンダーサプライズ

In my surprise eggs collection you can find surprise eggs and toys with the following characters:
Angry Birds
Hello Kitty
Barbie Fashionistas
Star Wars
Winnie The Pooh
Filly The Unicorn
Dora The Explorer
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
Minnie Mouse
Winx Club
and much more!!!

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